
Now That You’ve Decided to Divorce

You may want to consider stopping any voluntary contributions from your pay (such as 401(k) plans, deferred compensation, credit union accounts, etc.), additional deposits to private savings, purchase of additional assets (including furnishings, purchase of credit for retirement, etc.) as most assets are valued at time of trial, and your attempts to save money now […]

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Settlement Strategies

As opposed to what you may have seen on television, being an effective lawyer does not mean putting on a “dog and pony show” for the client’s benefit.  TV lawyers threaten, intimidate, use rude language, jump up on tables, and get red in the face about almost everything.  This makes for good entertainment, but real […]

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Tips on Better Parenting During the Divorce Process

Whether you are divorcing, separating, or have never lived with your other parent, here are some tips that might help your children deal with parents apart: DO: Put your children’s welfare ahead of your own conflict with the other parent Attempt Mediation See the other parent as your “business partner” engaged in the most important […]

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Tips on Filling out those Darn Affidavits

When people start matters at domestic court, whether a new divorce or dissolution, or a post-decree matter concerning child support or spousal support, they will be required to fill out certain affidavits concerning their income and expenses, their debts and property, their children, health insurance and other matters. An affidavit is a sworn statement, notarized, […]

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How To Deal With Your Difficult Spouse

Although Ohio family lawyer Melissa Graham-Hurd always seeks to resolve family disputes in a negotiated settlement, sometimes divorce and separation tend to bring out the worst in some people, and they must be dealt with accordingly. If you have one of these people in your life, accept that: Self-interest apparently justifies deception and outright lies […]

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How To Dress For Court

First Impressions Count.  While it is true that it really isn’t fair and it does not change the facts of your case, impressions do count, and we want the Judge or Magistrate to see you as fitting their perceptions of someone who is mature, responsible and believable.  The people in the black robes are people, […]

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Testimony Tips

At some point in the legal process, you may be asked to give testimony, to testify, to be sworn to tell the truth and answer questions under that oath.  Testimony can take place at a hearing, trial or deposition.  The testimony will be recorded, either on tape or by a court reporter, and can be […]

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