
What is the Difference Between Fault and No-Fault Divorce?

A couple going over the difference between fault and no fault divorce.

Whether a couple agrees to part ways or not, divorce is never easy. When considering your options, it’s crucial to understand the difference between no-fault and fault-based divorce. With the dissolution (called “no-fault divorce” in some states) process, spouses do not need to establish that either is to blame for the marriage not working out […]

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What to Do if Your Spouse is Hiding Assets

A divorced couple is hiding assets.

Divorce and the dissolution of a marriage can be overwhelming — and it can be more stressful if your spouse is hiding assets. Unfortunately, a party will sometimes try to hide assets out of spite or because they don’t think their spouse should be entitled to them. Concealing assets during a dissolution or divorce proceeding […]

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How to Deal with Divorce Regret

Sad husband experiencing divorce regret.

Divorce and dissolution isn’t just a legal process — it’s an emotional one, too. Regardless of the reasons you and your spouse parted ways, it’s not uncommon to feel some guilt or regret once the judge has signed the divorce decree. Terminating a marriage brings many changes to a person’s life and it can often […]

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Is Deferred Compensation Subject to Property Division?

Deferred compensation is shown on the conceptual photo using the text

Division of property in a divorce can be a contentious issue for many reasons. One reason is that it is not always obvious what property is subject to division. In Ohio, if couples do not reach a mutually-agreeable property settlement, the court must divide their property according to principles of equitable distribution. “Equitable” sounds like […]

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Can I Make Changes to My Divorce Decree?

Couple's Hand With Divorce decree Agreement And Wedding Rings

What is a divorce decree? It is a court order that makes your divorce final and establishes the terms of your relationship to your ex-spouse after divorce: who will receive which assets, who will pay what debts, what your parenting arrangements will be for your children, whether one of you will pay spousal support to […]

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When is a Distributive Award Given in Ohio?

Judge gavel and house model on Notebook computer, Online Auction for Real Estate concept. Ideas for housing business judgment by E-commerce online goods services digital technology held over internet concept

A regular part of the divorce process involves one party making payments or distributing assets to the other. This usually happens in the context of the division of marital property, or the payment of child support or spousal support. Less commonly, a court may order a “distributive award” from one party to the other in […]

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Marital Property Tracing in Divorce

Pen and calculator lying on a business paper with numbers. Tax document concept.

“What’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is yours” is a lovely sentiment, and one shared by most spouses during their marriage. Unfortunately, in divorce or dissolution, it can become the literal truth, often at the expense of one spouse. Understanding Marital and Separate Property in Divorce To understand why, you need a brief background […]

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How to Behave in Court

Male and female legal/business professionals walk down the stone staircase of a stately courthouse type building. They are looking at each other and smiling concept.

Going to court can be intimidating. Not only is it likely an unfamiliar environment, but if you have to go to court, chances are you have something important at stake. In a family law case that could be custody (now called allocation of parental rights) or visitation (now called parenting time) of your children, whether […]

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Who Gets the Pets in a Divorce?

Smiling mature woman giving her cog a big hug while sitting together outside on her patio in her back yard

You went on road trips and long walks together. You snuggled on the couch at the end of a long day. They were your source of comfort during the pandemic. While all of those might describe a spouse, for pet lovers, those sentences also describe their furry companions. If you have a pet, you might […]

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Preparing for a Divorce or Dissolution

Two separate wedding rings next to the word "divorce". The concept of divorce, parting, infidelity . Selective focus concept.

Divorce or dissolution is never easy, even if you want to end your marriage. It can be downright overwhelming if you don’t want a divorce, or if your spouse has blindsided you by asking for a divorce (or serving you with divorce papers). The divorce process creates a lot of upheaval. You are now facing […]

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